December 2013

In the bidding competition for Lalibela in Ethiopia for which we had been shortlisted among 5 other teams (4 European and one local) we have come out first in the Technical proposal. We hope we’ll be as lucky in the Financial Proposal.

Ciudad Colonial de Santo Domingo
October 2013

We have entered another IDB EoI competition for the design of public space in Santo Domingo. In 2000 we did the Study of the Colonial City of Santo Domingo, so we think we have chances this time.

July 2013

We have finished our project in Santo Domingo. Rafael Fontes and Giammattia Bassanello have been living there all the time, since last December. The tender for the works of the first phase has already taken place. Even though we couldn’t manage to get the supervision contract, we hope that everything goes well for the Ministry of Tourism

September 2012

We are entering an expression of interest phase in a IDB Heritage management competition in Ecuador. We think the chances are real, because we have a good knowledge of the country because we drew up the Heritage Master Plans in Quito and Cuenca, and we are entering the competition in association with one of the best architectural practices in Ecuador: Guido Díaz.

Castro Caldelas (Galicia)
August 2012

At last! After more than a year since we delivered the document, the Heritage Protection Plan of Castro Caldelas (Galicia) has been initially aproved. We will be at the City Hall informing the public during the two months public consultation process.

Here’s the link if someone wants to peruse the Plan’s documents:


December 19th 2012

We have been shortlisted for the Competition: Heritage Sustainability Studies and Management Models in Santa Elena province in Ecuador. We hope to be equally lucky than in the Santo Domingo Competition.


December 7th 2012

We have won the competition Design of the improvement of streets in the Historical Center of Santo Domingo in Dominican Republic, part of a comprehensive project of tourism improvement. We have signed the contract on December 12th, and part of the team lead by Rafael Fontes is already in the Caribbean City.

October 19th 2012

We have entered another IDB EoI competition for the design of public space in Santo Domingo. In 2000 we did the Study of the Colonial City of Santo Domingo, so we think we have chances this time.

September 7th 2012

We are entering an expression of interest phase in a IDB Heritage management competition in Ecuador. We think the chances are real, because we have a good knowledge of the country because we drew up the Heritage Master Plans in Quito and Cuenca, and we are entering the competition in association with one of the best architectural practices in Ecuador: Guido Díaz.


We haven’t been awarded the bidding competition in Russia. Hope next time we’ll be luckier.


August 31st 2012.

At last! After more than a year since we delivered the document, the Heritage Protection Plan of Castro Caldelas (Galicia) has been initially aproved. We will be at the City Hall informing the public during the two months public consultation process.

Here’s the link if someone wants to peruse the Plan’s documents:

February, 12th

Our firm has been shortlisted for the following bidding completion in the Russian Federation: Preservation and Promotion of Cultural Heritage Project in 4 oblasts near Saint Petersburg. Let’s hope for some luck in the second phase. Just three other firms have been selected! One Russian, one Italian and one Turkish



April, 28th

We’ve won the Interamerican Development Bank competition for the Tourism Plan of the Colonial City of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic). We have made a joint venture offer with the Barcelona firm THR, who provide the experience in tourism plans techniques. We’ll travel there in May.

April, 25th

Rafael Fontes has travelled to Belize to carry on with the Downtown Belize Master Plan in the Belize City, in an Interamerican Development Bank project. He’ll be there until mid March.

April, 5th

From February 6th until March 9th Rafael Fontes has travelled to Sydney (Australia) to deliver a lecture about the Heritage Preservation Plan of La Laguna (Tenerife), included in the seven years program “Septenio de Canarias”. These are the links to some of the press news. We also include

February, 15th

We are entering a bidding competition for the Heritage Protection Plan in Sarria, Lugo (Galicia), en Spain. It has an incredible historical area and remarkable monuments. We knew the town when we made the Camino de Santiago.

November, 30th

We’ve won the bidding competition for the drawing up of the Heritage Protection Plan of Castro Caldelas, a town in Galicia (northern Spain), the presentation of which we announced on October 18th.

November, 30th

"Cepa de Honor 2010" prize granted by Centro de Iniciativas Turísticas to the city San Cristobal de la Laguna (Tenerife) in his 10th anniversary as UNESCO World Heritage Site for having succesfully maintained and transmitted along the years the most valuable of the rich canary heritage.

October, 22nd

PADECO, a japanese consulting firm has hired us as experts in heritage city planning, for the Master Plan of Downton Belize, in Central America.
Rafael Fontes is travelling in November. We'll keep you posted.

October, 21st

Rafael Fontes is preparing a photo exhibition at Emma’s Restaurant.

October, 19th

What a turmoil en Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife) because the municipality has returned to the State a 9 Ha plot in the ocean front. A hot discussion appears here.

October, 18th

AUC entered a bidding competition for the drawing up of a Preservation Plan of the Historical Center of Castro Caldelas, in Galicia, Spain

September, 28th

AUC has taken part in a meeting in Shanghai about renewable energies

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